The Latest

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Cras feugiat porttitor dapibus. Maecenas lobortis vehicula feugiat. Etiam convallis fringilla nisl, nec suscipit eros varius et. Proin leo lectus, volutpat a enim non, porta elementum metus. Sed eleifend elementum mauris, sit amet pharetra lorem lobortis in. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec sem odio, adipiscing eget nisi eget, congue varius eros. Nulla facilisi. Etiam non tristique erat.
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Nam vitae rutrum nisi. Duis faucibus blandit elit quis pretium. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus pulvinar neque feugiat, porttitor tellus nec, mollis libero. Curabitur feugiat mollis orci, a bibendum tortor fermentum at. Duis mattis elit vitae viverra commodo. Maecenas vel tempus lacus. Donec eget libero ornare, iaculis justo non, volutpat lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi semper faucibus interdum. Proin vitae arcu sem. Nunc in imperdiet ligula, ut condimentum tortor. Pellentesque quis elit nulla. Nunc quis sodales mi. Morbi suscipit sem venenatis justo scelerisque, in pulvinar erat condimentum. Duis ac iaculis nisl.

Quite some time ago now, I snapped these pictures while taking the family dog out for a nice long walk. (As per usual of course) Along our way we encountered some curious sheep, pretty trees, and finally a beautiful sunset atop of a hill. Of course I couldn't help but let Wilma run free and play for awhile, especially after she showed such patience with me for wanting to take her picture one too many times! Please enjoy these wonderful pictures of a darn great walk, and a darn great dog! I sure do.


Okay, so recently I have seen lots and lots of bloggers showing of some of their favourite links,
and I thought that I would hop on the trend as I have gathered up quite a few to last quite a while!

1. In the past you may have seen Tom Fletcher from McFly's incredible wedding speech,
but lo and behold!, Tom recently released a beautiful video featuring his wife Giovanna that
leads up to the birth of their baby boy Buzz!

2. This wonderful, wonderful song has been my soundtrack for a couple of nights now.

3. When I sometime in the future return to London I will definitely check out some of
these amazing places! St John's Lodge Gardens looks so, so beautiful!

4. Here are some nice ways to have a picnic, perhaps some inspiration for your next one? ;)

5. Or perhaps some reasons as to why your should visit Iceland right now. 
I know I can think of quite a few more, how about northern lights and geysers for example?

6. If you happen to be really rich you might enjoy a flying apartment.

7. I know that summer is on it's way but I can't help but relish over these autumn forests.

8. To finish it all off I though that we should all look at these cute cats!

(I little bonus, my favourite type of tree! I know, this is weird right?)

I have been giving the blog a bit of a makeover since last time,
 it is not quite done yet so if it looks a little weird you'll know why. I'm still experimenting a little!

Image 1 of Urbancode Leather Jacket With Padding Detail

The Jacket

Ah, the infamous leather jacket. Every girl has one, wants one or needs one.

It is the most typical spring piece and it can turn any outfit into a masterpiece. Throw it over a casual T-shirt and a pair of plain bluejeans, done! You now look really cool and stylish. Wear it over a pretty summer dress? Done! You now look like a sweet girl with a cool rebellious side. Wearing all black? No problem! Embrace your inner rock chick and put on that leather jacket!

The problem?

There are only two problems with leather jackets - They're either too expensive or you can't for the love of god find the right one!

When it comes to the money problem I think that you have to see it as an investment, it's an item that will never go old. It will never go out of style, you can wear it season after season. Leather jackets are one of the two things that will never go old when it comes to fashion, that and pastel coloured florals. They will be forever in our lives. (Whether you like it or not, unfortunately.)

When it comes to finding the right one, there is nothing I can do for you. You just have to keep on looking, kind of like finding a man. Yes, I would say the two are quite similar. Men and leather jackets you know.


Above you can see some of my favourite leather jackets, three that might break your purse and one that may be a bit more affordable. I think the top and bottom right are my favourite ones!

Okay! This is the first post in a feature that I like to call "Singing Sunday". This will hopefully be a monthly feature, in which I tell you about three bands or artists that I have been particularly fond of that month.

So lets get on with it and let me tell you about my favourite bands this month!

An English rock band formed in 2010, they have been my favourite band for two years now!
You have probably heard their song Pompeii on the radio quite a few times.
I personally like all of Bastille's songs, though below are some of my current favourites.

Stornoway is a alternative indie folk band from Oxford, England.

A English indie rock quartet.

If you have a few minutes to spare, you should go and check out this very beautiful short film.

12345: more specifically thisthis or perhaps this one.

I'm no diva and if you happen to find me amongst the designer items, chances are I haven't managed to have a look at the price tags just yet. Needless to say, I like a good bargain. Sales are my holy grail and I rarely buy anything that will cost me more than £30. 

The items on my wishlist go well above that and makes those £30 seem like any old drop in the ocean, good thing a girl can dream. *sigh*